206C Park Lane
Austin, Texas 78705
11 February 19XX
Director of Consumer Relations
American Airways
Mail Drop 4F13
P.O. Box 56989
DFW Airport
Dallas, Texas 75441-4545
Dear Director:
I am writing you concerning a round-trip flight from
Austin, Texas, to Detroit, Michigan, I made on December 10,
19XX. Travel demands have made me a consistent patron of
American for the past six years. In that time, service on
your airlines has always been good to excellent. But an
interruption in service on the flight mentioned above has
prompted my request for a 50 percent reduction in airfare
on my next flight.
Here is what happened on December 10. While changing planes
during the return trip at DFW Airport, I was informed that
our flight would be delayed. After two hours' delay, we
boarded the plane we had just left in order to meet our
Chicago connection in Dallas. After take-off from DFW, our
pilot casually informed us that we should be impressed by
the fact that the Dallas Cowboys football team had just
left our seats. This was the only explanation of our
I believe that this re-routing was done purely for
promotional gain and was in no way mechanically or
technically necessary. As a loyal patron of American
Airlines, at least until this point, I have every
confidence that the compensation I request above will be
provided, considering the high standard of service and
consideration your company has demonstrated toward its
customers in the past.
Scott Woodrow
SAW: rrw
encl.: copy of ticket
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